Our team
We are committed to helping clients achieve wealth growth in complex markets and supporting them in reaching their financial goals through optimized portfolio management and risk management.
A Strong Team of Investment Advisors
Martin Norman
University: Lu University Business School
Bio: Martin Norman is a highly regarded American professional investor, known for his deep market insights and exceptional investment decision-making skills. He graduated from Yale University Business School with a Ph.D. in Finance and has accumulated extensive financial knowledge and investment experience through both academic research and practical application.
Benjamin Anderson
University: Columbia University, Washington   Research Areas: Applied Mathematics, Financial Mathematics  
Bio: Benjamin Anderson's research focuses on financial mathematical models and their applications, including areas such as risk management and derivatives pricing. His work has played a crucial role in addressing real-world financial problems and advancing the use of mathematics in the finance industry.
Andrew Taylor  
University: Duke University   Research Areas: Computational Physics, Machine Learning
Bio: Andrew Taylor specializes in applying machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to physics problems. His research includes using AI algorithms to simulate and predict the behavior of physical systems, as well as developing innovative computational methods to solve complex physics challenges.
Henry Martin  
University: Stanford University Research Areas: Data Science, Statistics
Bio: Henry Martin's research focuses on statistics and data science, particularly in high-dimensional data analysis and pattern recognition. His work is significant in understanding complex data structures and developing efficient algorithms.
Ashley Snowden
University: Lu University Business School
Bio: Ashley Snowden has 12 years of extensive experience in the financial industry. She previously worked as a data analyst at Grayscale Investments, where she gained deep insights into market trends, portfolio management, and risk analysis. Seeking a more challenging role, Ashley joined Voidmetrix four years ago, working under the leadership of Chief Analyst Martin, focusing on quantitative analysis and market forecasting.
Quantitative Strategies

Whether the market is up or down, our AI-driven investment account helps you achieve diversified investment goals. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence and convolutional neural network technology, we optimize your portfolio and enhance returns.

Automated Investing
As a global investment manager and fiduciary to our clients, our mission at Voidmetrix is to empower financial well-being through advanced technology and AI-driven quantitative strategies. By integrating sophisticated mathematical concepts with cutting-edge financial technology, we provide the high-level solutions our clients rely on to protect their interests and achieve their most significant financial goals.
General Disclaimer
This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice, a recommendation, or an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell any securities to any person in any jurisdiction. If such an offer, solicitation, purchase, or sale would be unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction, it should not be carried out. This material may contain estimates and forward-looking statements, including projections, which are not guarantees of future performance. The information is not comprehensive or exhaustive, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy or completeness. The views expressed are as of December 2023 and are subject to change without notice. Reliance on the information contained in this material is solely at the reader's own risk. Investments involve risk. In the United States and Canada, this material is distributed to the public. In the EMEA region, the UK, and non-European Economic Area (EEA) countries, this material is issued by Voidmetrix. For your protection, phone calls are usually recorded. Please refer to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) website for a list of activities Voidmetrix is authorized to perform. In the EEA, this material is issued by Voidmetrix. For your protection, phone calls are usually recorded. In Italy, information on investor rights and how to file complaints can be found via relevant links. In Switzerland, for qualified investors: this document is marketing material. Until December 31, 2021, this document is provided only to qualified investors as defined in the revised Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA) of June 23, 2006. From January 1, 2022, this document is provided only to qualified investors as defined in the revised Article 10 Paragraph 3 of the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA) of June 23, 2006, excluding qualified investors who have opted out under Article 5 Paragraph 1 of the Swiss Financial Services Act (FinSA). For information on Articles 8/9 of the Financial Services Act (FinSA) and your client classification under Article 4 of the Financial Services Act (FinSA), please visit relevant links. In Israel, Voidmetrix is not licensed under the Israeli Investment Advice, Investment Marketing, and Portfolio Management Law (5755-1995) (“Advice Law”) and is not insured under this law. In South Africa, please note that Voidmetrix is an authorized financial service provider by the South African Financial Services Board. In DIFC, this material may be distributed by Voidmetrix within and outside the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), and it is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). This material is intended solely for "Professional Clients," and no other person should rely on the information contained herein. Voidmetrix is an externally recognized company in the DIFC and is regulated by the DFSA to conduct "Advising on Financial Products" and "Arranging Deals in Investments" concerning units in Collective Investment Funds. In Saudi Arabia, this material is issued by Voidmetrix, authorized and regulated by the Capital Market Authority (CMA). This information is intended solely for sophisticated investors as defined by CMA implementing regulations. This information has not been approved by the CMA or any other authority or regulatory body located in KSA. In the UAE, this material is intended solely for natural qualified investors as defined under Article 3/R.M. of the 2017 Chairman Decision of the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA). This information has not been approved by the DFSA or any other authority or regulatory body located in the GCC or MENA region. In Kuwait, this material is intended for professional clients as defined by the Kuwaiti Capital Markets Law and its implementing regulations. In the Sultanate of Oman, this material is intended only for institutional investors with experience in investing in local and international securities, who have the financial capability and understand the risks associated with securities investments.

Professional Advice: This material is intended for use by professional investors only and should not be distributed or used without authorization by the public. Investments involve risk, and investors should carefully read related risk disclosures and consult professional advisors.
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