VoidMetrix Cookie Notice

This Cookie Notice applies to VoidMetrix's use of cookies and similar technologies ("cookies") on the VoidMetrix website. The purpose of this Cookie Notice is to explain what cookies are, how they work, which cookies we use, and how you can control which cookies we use when you visit our website. It also describes our handling of personal information ("PI") collected through the use of cookies and your rights in this regard. This Cookie Notice should be read together with VoidMetrix's Privacy Statement. This Cookie Notice does not apply to any domains we do not own or control, nor does it apply to any third-party domains displaying VoidMetrix advertisements.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device or browser when you visit a website. Subsequently, each time you revisit the website, the cookie is sent back to the originating website or to another website that recognizes that cookie, to track the user's online activities. Cookies may be delivered by the website you visit or by third parties.Types of Cookies:

Necessary Cookies: Necessary cookies help ensure the security of our website, enable network management, website functionality, and accessibility. You can disable necessary cookies in your browser settings, but this may impact the functionality of the website.

Preference Cookies: Preference cookies allow us to store certain user choices or preferences and enable a more personalized website experience.

Statistical Analysis Cookies: These measure the performance of our website and collect aggregated information about how you use our website to provide you with the best digital experience. As part of this method, no personally identifiable information is collected. These are activated only when you click "Accept All" on European websites. On non-European websites, you can opt out individually under "Manage Cookies."

Marketing/Tracking/Analytics Cookies: These cookies are typically placed by advertising networks to deliver relevant content or measure campaign performance. Information about website usage and visits may be shared with other organizations such as advertisers.

Conversational Cookies: These assist in linking conversations and interactions with our chatbots to specific visitors on our website. These cookies must be accepted to interact with our chatbots on the website.Agree and Update Your Cookie Preferences:
We do not set any cookies other than strictly necessary cookies without your consent on our website. Clicking "Necessary only" will set statistical analysis and strictly necessary cookies, as they do not collect any personal information. You can change your preferences at any time under "Manage Cookies."Managing Your Cookie Preferences:
Upon your initial visit and subsequent visits to our website, you can select and modify other cookie preferences by clicking the "Manage Cookies" button, which will appear on every page. You will only be prompted again when we update our list of cookies used or this affects your browsing.Cookies Used on Our Website:

Session Cookies: These are temporary and expire when the browser session ends, meaning when you leave the website. These allow our website to recognize you and carry information between pages during a single browser session, enabling efficient use of the website.

Other Cookies: Have defined expiration periods as indicated above. Expired cookies will not be listed, but some expired cookies may still appear in your browser's cookie settings, even if they are not the latest on our website.Non-Cookie Tracking Technologies:

We may also use web beacons, including conversion pixels, which are small code snippets located on specific web pages triggering an increase in conversion counts when someone visits a page, or other technologies for similar purposes. These may be included on our website, marketing emails, or newsletters, including customer platforms and products, to determine if messages have been opened and links clicked.Blocking All Cookies and What It Means:
If you wish to block all cookies, you can do so through the settings of each browser you use on each device. Blocking all cookies may result in certain features of our website not functioning properly, and we may not be able to respond to your requests or provide optimal service. Please note that if you disable cookies using your browser settings, this applies to all websites, not just VoidMetrix.More Information: You can find more information about cookies at the following websites:



Contact Us:

If you wish to exercise any of your rights or have any questions regarding this Cookie Notice, please contact: Privacy and Data Protection Global Officer VOIDMETRIX CO., LTD. 521 W 57TH ST NEW YORK, NY 10019 Email: [email protected]

VoidMetrix Privacy Statement:

VoidMetrix Privacy Statement: Please refer to our separate VoidMetrix Privacy Statement . Changes to This Cookie Notice: We may modify or revise this Cookie Notice from time to time. It is recommended to regularly visit our website to check for any revisions.